NLS - No Limit Soldiers  No Mercy - No Fear - No Limit. We are 100% anti-hack. This site is waiting 
 for the Nitro Pack!!!!!!
An activision game (c) 


Division Name
Division Leader
NLSS-No Limit Soldiers
Special Division
NLSA-No Limit Soldiers 
Ass Kickers Division
To be a Division Commander, you are required to be a member for no less than 8 weeks, You also will have to have at least 4 players who wish to join your division,one of which must already be a member of NLS with at least 8 weeks membership.You must still carry the NLS handle with your name but can add a letter to the end of NLS ie.NLSA. You can call the Division whatever you wish aslong as it is not overdone. I have the right to dissolve any division that i do not approve of, all applications for Division Commander must be forwarded to me.
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